Division Vision Statements – The Plan for Your Dream Business.
Division Vision Statements. The Plan for Your Dream Business.
Your Big Vision requires smaller visions – because you can’t do it all!
You are the business owner, you are not just an employee of your business.
If you are looking at your Org Chart – your name is in the top box.
That means something! That’s a huge accomplishment.
You are the Leader. As the leader, you are the visionary.
It is important to remember this – You are the one everyone looks to set the course for the day – or the week. Or better, the year.
Drucker – Efficiency is doing this right, effectiveness is doing the right things.
You are the one who is responsible for how all your assets of time, money, and most important Energy.
Where the Focus Goes, the Energy Flows. Energy is a limited resource – YOU Can’t do it all!
It took me a long time to believe that…you can’t do it all.
Last episode, I introduced this idea of your ORG Chart…Your Business BLUEPRINT.
Your Organizational Blueprint. The giant step towards a business apart from you, and not a part of you.
Now you are going to Think about your business. You are creating the Blueprints for your dream business – and You as the leader are going to decide what Divisions are part of your business.
Then, you are going to create a vision statement for each of these.
Again, Where the Focus Goes, the Energy Flows.
Here are my suggested base line starting point. There are 4
- Order fulfillment
- Marketing
- Sales
- Finance and Accounting
- Order fulfillment is different for every business – Cleaning business. Landscape business. Website development. Real estate. Window washing.
You may have more than one box in order fulfillment – especially as your business grows
2. Marketing. Marketing is lead generation. You have to be thinking about where your next sale is coming from – so you are planting seeds all the time.
3. Sales is Lead conversion. You are closing the deal and getting your prospect to say Yes!
About sales and marketing. Make it a part of learning your business. If you want to have a growing and thriving business for the long term – this is part of your regular study.
Sales is not marketing and, marketing is not sales …BUT they are very closely linked!
4. Finance and Accounting. Good record keeping of income and expenses AND…invoicing. Send out the invoice. And A/R. Someone has to be assigned to AR.
Other divisions as your company grows
Staff Development Vision
Quality Assurance Vision
Office Admin Vision
You are writing a systems manual for all the work in each of these divisions.
Think of this as its own Puzzle with a box top and pieces. You want all of the pieces for this VISION inside the box.