117 – Paydirt 004 – Plantscaping, Process and Personal Growth…for Profit – Profit Levers
You already know this, but I’m saying it anyways – Business is the game of numbers.
You need data!
As Mr. Drucker relentlessly reminded, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.”
Chief among the numbers to manage is profit. When you’ve created your profit goals and you have the data, there are all types of levers to pull.
This weeks podcast is about pulling the levers of top line sales profit, and bottom line net profit.
When your business is focused on both, you have created something truly remarkable. If after listening to this 20 minutes, you want even more, read on!
Here’s an invitation to a Free Plantscape Master Mind Jam Session
Maybe you’re thinking – “what the heck is that?”
To be exact, it’s a one hour Zoom meeting with a laser focus on
- Growing Your Plantscape Business
Growing your Top line sales and your Bottom line net
I’ll be leading the conversation – And you’ll hear from other industry professionals as well – you’ll experience the creative power of a Master Mind.
Smart people with sharp minds thinking together for the benefit of each other.
Sign up here: https://innovate.millermarketingandtraining.com/plantscapers-mastermind-jam-session
Highlights include:
- Marketing systems to get in front of your best prospects – without cold calls
- Selling systems for a powerful discovery and rapport appointment (we call this, the appointment where the sale is really made)
- Process creation strategies. And the elimination of waste: aka, inefficiency
- A Special guest EOS Integrator who is taking my company, Interior Plant Scapes, from great – to extraordinary. EOS is an Operating System that works in any type of business. If you want to learn more: https://www.eosworldwide.com/what-is-eos
This free 60-minute Master Mind session is your opportunity to share your conundrums and great-ideas with other Plantscape business owners with a growth mindset. We will meet via Zoom on May 29th & June 5th. Just choose your preferred time slot and you’re in!
Click the link below to choose your date.
Sign up here: https://innovate.millermarketingandtraining.com/plantscapers-mastermind-jam-session
PS If you consider yourself a business owner with a growth-mindset, you’ll want to know about this business-forum exclusively for best-in-class Plantscapers. It’s called Innovation & Marketing Mastermind for Plantscapers.